Clinical Exercise Classes in Traralgon

Dr Michelle Derrick Traralgon Clinical Exercise Studio

HLG is delighted to be adding to their services at Traralgon with the inclusion of clinical exercise classes provided by Dr Michelle Derrick. 

This class is a combination of strength, mobility and mat-based pilates exercises with a variety of equipment provided. This will be the first series of classes on offer, with more in planning!

These small group classes will have a maximum of 4 people per class, so if you and a group of your friends would like to spend some time together and work on your health, please get in touch. We also provide one-on-one classes too.

Clinical exercise studio at healthlinks traralgon

What Are the Benefits of Clinical Exercise Classes?
  • Exercises that are tailored specific to your needs
  • Increased ability to perform you daily activities
  • Improve core strength and tissue integrity
  • Increase joint mobility

When Are the Clinical Exercise Classes Running?

Currently, we are holding classes:

  • Mondays: 5:30-6:30pm
  • Wednesdays: 12-1pm


We are looking to open up more times in the near future, so if you are interested and have a specific time in mind, please let your practitioner or one of our friendly receptionists know!


What Is the Cost?

The cost per individual class is $25 per patient.

We are also offering an early bird bundle of 6 classes for $130 for patients who pay upfront for the six weeks.


What About Specialty Classes?

We are working on bringing you an array of classes to suit every need and get you on the road to better health. This includes the future possibility for Mums & Bubs classes, Pregnancy classes and many more tailored options. If you’re interested in any of these or have other specific requests, please let us know!

If you have any questions or would like to register your interest to join our clinical exercise classes with Dr Michelle Derrick, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email to, or call us on (03) 4135 2516.

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