Meet Dr Stephanie Rohde

HealthLinks Osteopath Dr Stephanie Rohde

Hi, I’m Dr Stephanie Rohde (Osteopath). For the entirety of my studies to become an Osteopath, I always pictured myself working in a big city. Having grown up in Canberra, and then moved to Melbourne – That was all I really knew. However, when I stumbled across the opportunity to complete my final placement through an internship with East Gippsland Osteopathic Clinic (Now HealthLinks Gippsland!), something in the back of my mind told me to go for it.


Little did I know how easily I would fall in love with the Gippsland communities and the lifestyle. I was happy to travel 2 hours from my home in suburban Melbourne to be blessed with such a wonderful opportunity to learn from the fantastic team of osteopaths we have here at HLG.

As I began to connect with patients of my own – I truly embraced the beauty of working in Rural areas. Melbourne would never provide the beautiful lakeside walk right in the middle of town that allows for a true connection to nature in a lunch break, as I found in Sale. So naturally when I was asked to make the move after graduation, I was quick to work out logistics and convince my partner that he would love it out here too!


I was a bit worried that I would miss the hustle and bustle of living in a big city. In particular, I had been learning to play roller derby with one of Melbourne’s numerous leagues – Well lucky for me, I found that there is in fact a Roller Derby league right here in Sale! Since making the move I have travelled back to Melbourne for a concert – and I could not wait to get back home and away from the hectic traffic and endless roadworks that encompass most of Melbourne these days!


As I am just beginning to settle in (and finally finish unpacking!), I can’t wait to explore all of the hidden gems I know Gippsland has to offer. From weekend trips through the beautiful countryside, to finding all the best places to eat – I am truly blessed to have had the opportunity to move out here and settle into a much more calm and peaceful lifestyle.


Every single person that I have met so far has been absolutely lovely – I can’t wait to continue to meet and help more people through my work in our Sale and Bairnsdale clinics.

If you would like to book an appointment with me, Dr Stephanie Rohde, or anyone else from our amazing team – You can book online. I can’t wait to hear about all of your suggestions for weekend adventures!

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