Yarram Clinic Blog

Osteopath Dr Kylie Sergentanis at the new Yarram Clinic

The Yarram office of HealthLinks Gippsland (Formerly East Gippsland Osteopathic Clinic) is discovered by following the meandering, winding flower lined garden path to the back of the red roof studios.  What a way this is to start a work day – the commute (which also includes a 2 minute drive from child care drop off) is such a distinct contrast to the previous city life I have lived pretty much ever since leaving Yarram Secondary college all those years ago.

My story is not unique – at the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, instead of moving overseas as our original plan had been for March 2020, we moved back to Gippsland.  What a gift this has been in so many ways and we feel so fortunate to have been welcomed back into a wonderful community.  There is so much for me to be grateful for working in Yarram, however, I think the number one reason would be the incredible people I meet daily.

Red roof studios has provided the perfect tranquil space.  Being at the back of the building the soundtrack during treatments is birds singing and the breeze in the trees, the mobility ramp is adorned with a leafy grapevine and the outlook from the room is fruit trees and flowers. 

In addition to a Masters in Osteopathy, I have additional qualifications in Clinical Pilates, dry needling, women’s health including after breast cancer support and Biodynamics.

Alongside Osteopathy treatment (which you can read more about what is Osteopathy here), we also sell therapeutic pillows, a range of supplements, topical aids such as fisiocream & magnesium oil and exercise tools including spikey balls, theraband and foam rollers.

Currently I have appointment availability on Tuesdays (including late afternoon) and Wednesdays from the Yarram Clinic.


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