Benefits of Clinical Pilates

Woman doing clinical pilates exercise with pilates ring

Clinical Pilates can have a huge benefit to our health, including posture, core strength, and control of our body through every day movements. 

Clinical Pilates began in the 1920’s with Joseph Pilates, who believed that gentle and controlled exercises helped to improve overall health and strength. He believed that by performing these exercises, it helps with the body’s alignment and balance, which prevents injuries and pain. 

Clinical Pilates focuses on a few key areas, including; breathing, posture, concentration and control of movement, maintaining a neutral posture particularly through the lumbar spine, pelvis, neck and shoulders whilst preforming movements. 

A large focus of pilates is core control and strength of the deep abdominal muscles. By training our deep abdominal muscles to activate while preforming functional movements, this will then carry over into everyday activities and encourage the core to activate while we are lifting, bending, carrying, to prevent injury. 

Pilates compliments osteopathic treatment, as it encourages balance of the spine and pelvis, and correct posture throughout movement. Clinical Pilates exercise vary from small and simple movements with a focus on control, then progressing to more advanced exercises that focus on global strength. There are appropriate levels of exercise for people of all stages of fitness and all ages. It can be a great management tool for pain and injuries as well. 


If you are looking for something extra to help manage injuries and pain, or are just wanting to improve overall strength and health, get in contact with us here at HealthLinks Gippsland.


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