Head & Face Blogs

Your Headache Is Likely Affected by Your Neck
Headaches caused by your neck are usually a result of the top three joints in your neck not moving properly. This is not something that will show up in a scan, and so the diagnosis must be confirmed via a physical examination from a skilled clinician. Osteopaths for many years

How to Manage Your Migraines: Part 2
The most successful migraine management strategies are often a combination of lifestyle modifications, medication and complementary therapies such as Osteopathy.

How to Manage Your Migraines: Part 1
Migraine symptoms typically present as a one-sided headache lasting between 4-72 hours, accompanied by a throbbing or pulsating sensation. They’re quite commonly associated with nausea, vomiting, aura/vision disturbances, and increased sensitivity to light sound and smell. So now that we know what happens when we get one, let’s learn a little more about the symptoms and how osteopathy can help!

Jaw Pain Is No Laughing Matter!
The Jaw is a bi-arthrodial hinge joint located below your temples on either side of your head. This joint can become dysfunctional due to overuse such as excessive chewing, teeth grinding, blunt trauma or overstretching such as that in dental procedures.

Understanding Concussion
A higher emphasis is being placed on concussion injuries, and for good reason. Although the long-term side effects of concussion are yet to be fully understood, traumatic injuries to the brain over short period of time can increase the likelihood of serious implications including neurological impairment and brain bleeding. The world is largely focusing on policies and gold standards towards the management, treatment and prevention of concussions and second impact syndrome (a secondary trauma to the head following a concussion).

Help – My Baby Has a Flat Head!
The medical term for a ‘flat’ or ‘misshapen’ head is plagiocephaly (plagios = crooked, kephale = head) which is defined as an abnormal head shape or deformity of the skull. A misshapen or flat head can be the result of several causes. It can be caused by the mechanical forces